Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Sunday Drive

Today was another day of firsts.  First, they took me through "the door."  I went blind like I was back in my old apartment, except this time it was from brightness.  I can't say that I much cared for that.

Then Mom and Dad took me on a "Sunday drive."  They tied me into a seat and turned me backwards so that I couldn't see where I was going.  Were they trying to get me lost?  They needn't have worried; my sense of direction is basically nil at this point and I can get lost on the top of our bed.  No matter. 

Then we went into another house with other people.  There sure seem to be a lot of people around.  And they are new every day.  Some of them hold me and some just look.  The littler ones look nervous.  It's funny though, even the littler ones are huge.  I sure am small.

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