Monday, July 23, 2012

Jive Talkin'

The other day Mom and I were interviewed by a girl from church.  My fame is growing!  Today a 4-H cub reporter, tomorrow the Wall Street Journal!

In any event, Dad got word of this and inquired after the questions which were posed.  One in particular inspired his curiosity, "How many words does Benjamin know?"  Heh.  Thing is Mom and Dad don't know the full extent of my wording skills.  I've been feeding them some words here and there and so they started counting those.  Goodness if they weren't pleased as punch as the list grew.  So this is the list they came up.  (Please bear in mind that my vocabulary is actually much larger, but I I'm reticent with my rhetoric.)

Table: Fork, plate, spoon, water, napkin, mustard, ketchup, pickle, corn, table, chair, chips, flower, coffee, milk, Grape Nuts, granola, nana, mango, apricot, raisin, nuts, prunes, meat, cheese, bread, apple, juice, cookie, pumpkin, eggie, brockie (broccoli), yogurt, donut, ice cream, orange, sauce, soy sauce, rice, hotdog, avacado, salt, soup, bowl [45]

Body Parts: Nose, mouth, eyes, eyebrows, ears, head, cheeks, tummy, belly button, shoulder, arm, leg, foot, feet, toes, tongue, knee, butt, back, bits, hand [21]

Clothing: shirt, shorts, jammies, sandals, shoes, hat, sunglasses, diaper, wipes, (take sandal off) [10]

Colors: green, blue, yellow, red [4]

Numbers: one, two, three, four, five [5]

Bedroom: good, nap, blanket, toys, spanking, disobedient, Dog (God), makeup, mirror, big, boy, bed, wall, clothes, [14]

Verbs: See, making, jump, run, brush, comb, do, play, throw, talking, tuck in, sing, climb up, hiding, pick up, go home, read, dance, shout, sitting, like, hug, kiss, snuggle, wash hands, [25]

Bathroom: tinkle, poop, toilet, shower, bath, bubbles, "pooped again", "bye, bye poop", [8]

Misc: fun, Minnesota, phone, that, Iowa, moosic (music), hi, hello, out, dookbye (goodbye), pool, cool, hallelujah, amen, too, wow [15]

Requests/Demands: More, come, all done, gick doon (get down), have it, pick up, cuddle, please, thank you, stuck (get me out!), help [11]

Outside: mailbox, sidewalk, car, ga-go (tractor), game, kids, baseball, dirt, tree, wing, swingset, slide, fireworks, football, pool, boom, bang, farmer market, sun, moon, house, train, ball, snow, barn, crane [26]

Adjectives: big, pretty, little, hot, cold, small, preposterous, outside, all done, dry, tasty, sleepy, icky, clean [13]

People: Mim, mommy, daddy, baby, Abby, Jenjen (Benjamin), Judy, Darwin, Wayne, auntie, uncle, Ralph, Rosanne, Bill, Poppi, manga-manga (grandma/grandpa), Andrew, Denali, cousin, Sean, Miles, Amos, Jack, Tanya, Julie, Ellie, Mitch, Lane, Lindi, boy, girl, sister, brother, Jesus [35]

Animals: puppy, dickey (kitty), critters, giraffe, moose, bear, cow, bug, buggerfly (butterfly), ladybug, chicken, goat, sheep, toad, pig, frog, snake, turtle, monkey, zebra, hippo, lion, horse, gorilla, eagle, bird, gecko, dolphin, elephant, panda, seahorse, owl, bunny, [33]

Technology: Bebot, bubble pop, doodle buddy, loading, push button, beep, [6]

Car: Wheel, buckle, car wash, [2]

Living Room: bookshelf, lamp, exersaucer, toybox, ramp, Bible, book, clock, window, tummy time  [10]

I publicly employ small sentences like the following:
  • Read it!
  • More Grape Nuts please ask.
  • Cuddle Mommy.
  • Owie, Band-Aid on.
  • Where Benjamin go?  Peek a boo!
  • Ready, set, go!
  • See kids play baseball please.

I recite parts of certain books.  Mom reads the first part of a sentence and I'll finish it.  Also, I spout off with things like the following:

  • "wiggle, wiggle, yeah"
  • "shake, shake booty"
  •  "Oh me oh my"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Baby Slang

As has become abundantly clear, I trust, erudition is not lacking in my noggin'.  But even a young scholar needs a bit of slang.  Drumroll please:....  ..... .. ... ....... ..

Butterfly = buggerfy
Car = ga
Truck/tractor = GA-go
Down "Let me down!" = Dune

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smells like baby spirit!

So mom weighed me the other day. 28 pounds. She says I'm a big boy, and it must be true, because I've been sleeping in a big boy bed for a few weeks now. I also have a big boy bike; I even went potty in the toilet once! No, going in the toilet isn't a normal thing yet, but cut me some slack; I'm not even 2 yet! Dad built me my own bookcase a couple weeks ago. It's so great, all my books are in it, and I have a couple of chairs my size where I sit and read, just like dad does. Another new thing happened this past week: I fell down and scraped my knee, and mom put a bandaid on it. It felt weird, but she said it would help my owie get better. It seems to have worked.

You know what I love? Tractors. Tractors are so awesome. I've been seeing them everywhere! I wish I had one. Well, I have a little John Deere tractor that Grandma and Grandpa gave me, but it doesn't move by itself, and mom won't let me sit on it anyway. I also love being outside. I've been practicing my climbing skills, and I'm pretty good at getting up and down the ladders on the swing set. Abby doesn't get to play outside like I do, because she's only a little baby. Mom said she weighs 15 pounds, and that that's quite a bit for a 3 month old, but I'm still bigger than her. I can almost go down the slide by myself! And Abby does things like drool and cry if she's been lying on her tummy too long. Mom puts her in my exer-saucer to play sometimes, but she won't put me in there! If I want to play in it, I have to climb in myself! Otherwise, Abby's alright. She's pretty cute when she bounces in the johnny jump up. She likes to make noises. She can't say words like I can, but she talks quite a bit. She likes it when I give her a kiss before she goes to bed. I think it will be fun someday when she can run around like me.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm still here!

Hello! Long time, no see! We've been a little preoccupied around here lately, because there's another baby living in our house! She was born on January 14th; Mom tells me that makes her 6 1/2 weeks old now. She's littler than me, and she can't talk or walk or do anything very interesting. She cries sometimes, so I say "Abby, Abby" in my sweet voice so she won't be sad. When she's awake she likes to stare at me, and I give her kisses. I could show you where her nose is, too.

Lots of things have been happening since Abby first came here. People have come to visit us almost every weekend, and that is so much fun! My cousin Sean came over with my Auntie Beth and Uncle Chris, and he's my size! We had a good time playing.

You know what I've been doing lately? Learning letters! Mom draws them on my magna-doodle and I tell her what they are. I know almost all of them, but sometimes I get a couple confused with other letters. I love to look at a book or magazine and tell Mom which ones I see. Right now the big letters are easier to recognize than the little ones, but I'm working on it.

I experience something new last week, but it wasn't fun at all. I got sick. Mom and Dad found out that I had the stomach flu. It hurt and it wasn't pretty, but Mom and Dad and I all slept in the living room that night, which I thought was cool. The next morning I felt way better, and I even had breakfast. Now I'm fine, so don't worry. You won't catch anything from me!

Well, I need to go take a nap now. You know what they say- sleep when the baby sleeps!