Thursday, September 29, 2011

News from the 'hood

Hey peeps! Man, it's been a long time since I last posted. I promise, it hasn't been all laziness on my part; in fact, I've been busy doing some important stuff! I helped Mom rearrange the living room, and put a chair in my room. I even helped her hang curtains.

Yep, I'm a pretty big boy now. I'm learning how to eat with a fork, which is definitely harder than it looks! I use sign language to say important stuff like "more", "all done", "please", and "thank you", but I'm also working on saying words like Mom and Dad do. I especially like to say "water", and today I said a new one- "baby"! Mom heard that and pointed at her tummy. "Baby!", she said. I poked her tummy. It still doesn't look like a baby to me, but she told me I'm going to have a little sister. What is that?

Here's something exciting! You'll never guess what we have living under our deck! A kitten!!! He's a baby like me, but I'm a lot bigger than he is. I love to visit him, I run to the deck door and look out the window and call until he comes. Sometimes he eats his food, sometimes he plays with leaves or bugs; and sometimes he just sits by the door and talks to me. I can't understand what he's saying, but I wish I could open that door and play with him, too!

Well, I've got to go. I'm feelin' sleepy, and Rafters (my giraffe) is calling my name.