Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Definition of a Birthday

Just recently, I experienced something quite different... I spent the whole weekend with just Dad! Mom wasn't there at all! Needless to say, lots of guy stuff went on- burping, scratching, wrestling, etc. (Just kidding, Mom!) Really, though, we made it through and had a good time; but boy were we excited to see her pull into the driveway yesterday!

Mom wasn't home too long before we all jumped back in the car. Where could we be going? When I found out, I wasn't too pleased. We were going to see the doctor. They weighed me and measured me and stuck me with needles!!! Awful people, why would they do that to me? Especially on my birthday?? Cuz yeah, it was my birthday yesterday! I knew that because people have been talking about it for weeks, and how exciting it was. I was looking forward to it, too, but this is not what I had in mind! After the doctor episode, Mom and Dad took me to the coffee shop where I got to have a monster cookie! That made me feel better.

That night, something really cool happened!! My new Auntie Julie (who we adopted) came over. I always like to see her, but this time, she brought me a huge chocolate cake and presents!! This must be what people meant by birthdays being exciting! I had some cake, and mom helped me open my presents- cool new clothes,  and a couple of toys! They should keep me busy for a while! Thank you, Auntie Julie and Uncle Wayne!

Now for something completely different... Mom and Dad like to talk about babies. That's all well and good, because I'm their baby, but they sound like they're talking about more than one! Then today, Mom points at her tummy and says "there's a baby in there, Benjamin." I checked, but all I saw was her bellybutton. She must be mistaken.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


A couple days ago, Mom and Dad were making a big deal about the date for some reason... the 4th of July? Why would that be so exciting? Come on, parents, pull it together! It's just another day on the calendar! But then I started to catch the bug, too. After all, they let me stay up late when I should have been having my morning nap, and we went into town and sat by the street and watched the decorated cars, trucks, motorcycles, horses, and puppies go by. That was fun, but it really took it out of me. I fell asleep when we got back in the car. When I woke up, we were at this amazing place called an ice cream parlor! Was I really awake? Or dreaming? Mom and Dad both got ice cream cones, and they shared with me! Man, was that cold!! After our treat we hurried home, because someone was starting to get cranky (ahem).

A couple of naps later, the parental units and I drove back into town. Dad put a big blanket on the grass, and we sat (well, Mom and Dad sat... I was busy moving around and looking at stuff) and listened to a big band play all of these songs they said were patriotic. Not sure what that is, but I liked the music, and even busted a move once in a while when I thought no one was looking. This guy would stand up and talk between the songs. Apparently, it was Independence Day. Independence? I can relate! This past week I really started walking, and man, is that a freeing experience!

When the music was over, it was starting to get dark. Mom pointed out these things to me- they were low to the ground (like me!), and every so often they would shine! It was amazing! She called them fireflies. We got back in the car and Dad drove us somewhere else, but we didn't go home. I was confounded. Seriously? It's already dark out and you're not putting me to bed??? Well, I'm not gonna argue! We stopped, and Dad got me and brought me up to sit in front with them. Holy cow, I have never seen so many buttons in one place! And this is a steering wheel, you say? Can I drive???

Finally, it was really dark. We got out and sat on the curb (again!), and Mom pointed at the sky. What the heck was going on over there? Big sparkly things would flash, and then I heard a boom! Whoa! I liked that quite a bit. After a while, though, the big day started to get to me. I let Mommy and Daddy know that I was ready to go home. The sky stopped flashing, and I was buckled into my seat. Mom let me hold her hand, and I don't remember the rest.