Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today Mom tried to put a hat on my head.  Hated it.  So I told her so.

Fast forward 5 seconds.  She tries on another stupid hat!  What, is yelling my face off not clear enough?

Fast forward another 5 seconds.  What is wrong with these people?  Dad gets this grin on his face and the next thing you know I've got another stupid hat on my head.  Aarrrggghhhh!!!!!  I HATE HATS!!!!!!  It may not be logical, but it's my thing.  So lay off already.

Friday, October 22, 2010

My hero

It seems perfectly natural to me, but I know some people question how I, a baby, am able to write and maintain this blog. Oh come on, people -- it's not as if I'm the first baby wise beyond his years in the ways of the new media!

Take a look at the latest from my hero:

Now I want my own smart phone!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eruption of Pseudo Wimsey

 So then, if you are a keen observer you will notice that there is a kitchen in the background (the pantry is the giveaway.)  As a regular reader of this blog, you will know from previous pictures that this is not my kitchen!  So then, you are asking yourself, "Whose kitchen is it?"  Tis a question that is right on point.  We must look for clues.  Take the young lad with the nice smile who is holding me with such confidence.  Have you seen him before?  Why yes!  Yes you have.  This 10 year old has indeed graced the electronic pages of this webbie, back in August as I recall.  His name is Andrew and he is my cousin.  Given his identity we come back to question, "whose kitchen is it?" 

Perhaps it is time for more evidence.  Kindly notice the next picture.  There is a boy who is holding me.  But he is not the same boy!  Duh, duh, duuuuuuuuuuuh.  So who is this mysterious young man and what part does he play?  Well I shall tell you.  But first let it be remarked that he has also appeared on this webbie.  His name is Christopher and he is my cousin.  He is 8 years old. 

So then, where am I?  Gentle reader, surely I must be in the abode wherein these two young gentlemen reside!  And so it was this past weekend.  I, along with dear mother and that fatherly fellow, made the journey to Mankato to visit cuz and cuz.  It was rather a nice trip as the autumn has been gentle and kind, the company was good, and who needs a hot water heater anyway?  "Hot water heater?"  Yes indeed, the hulking clod of tin gave up the old esprit and leaked its life juices out onto the basement floor.  Could have been a horrible mess except for my timely and heroic action!  Just kidding!  I was just lying around the whole time.  Someone else noticed the impending disaster and took action.  I'm pretty sure it was my Auntie Rachel.  She's a dear, by the way.  Very kind with yours truly and I must say that I appreciate it.

Well, I've been rambling ever so much.  I should mention that Uncle Fred was there too, enjoying the weekend away from his students.  The two danderballs (cats) were slinking about.  And Lynx must have stopped by, though I didn't see her, because we had a rather marvelous Chinese dinner on Sunday.  Toodle pip!

PS: Happy belated birthday to my dear auntie who turned "the square root of one hundred sixty nine times a halved foursie."

Your multi-media Baby Moose

So I've got this blog thing going on, immortalizing my thoughts in text, and there have also been photos and even videos. Did you know that my Auntie Ninja has also featured me in cartoons?

My lawyer says I have to insert the "Don't Try This At Home" disclaimer here to cover my, er, diaper. As far as I know, I'm the only one who can even attempt to get chocolate past Auntie Ninja.

Btw, you can see this cartoon and others in the series in their full-size and glory by clicking the following links:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cruisin' the lake!

Yesterday Mom and Auntie Beth took me on a walk around Lake Como. I didn’t have to do much, just look at all the bright colored leaves around me. Mom is getting to be a fast walker again, but Auntie Beth is carting around my future cousin-to-be, so she’s a little slow. We even took a break for awhile so she could rest and hold me. I didn’t mind because I got to sit on my cousin for a bit!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Daddy put me in a new kind of diaper today.  It has a big N and a big Y on it.  Now he laughs every time I fart.  Daddy's weird sometimes.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Look what I can do

Dad put me down on my blankie for a little tummy time today. I don't really like tummy time that much because it's harder for me to see what is going on around me. Today I had to push myself up to see better. Next thing I know, everyone is shouting at me!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sacre Bleu

Mom is trying to teach me the alphabet, in French.  Poul l'amour de Pete, I'm just a baby!