Saturday, December 25, 2010

Babies Everywhere!

Baby Moose here.  It has recently come to my attention that I am not the only little person.  Who knew?  Yesterday and today a sleepy fellow named Sawyer came over.  He seemed pretty nice and had these cool boxing gloves on!  I don't think he should probably be picking fights, though, 'cause he's not exactly a heavyweight.

Wait!... This news just in!  Another baby has been born and this time he's a full-blown cousin.  A boy like me!  Oh, this is going to rock!  His name is Sean Alan, he's about the same weight as me when I was born and he's got hair.  You've got to love hairy babies.

So, word to my homey Sawyer and a big "Wassup?" to my new cuz Sean.  I will be seeing you guys around.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Poem for Mom

Mom's been sick.
She's feeling ick.
A nasty bug
Gave her a lick.
I want a hug,
To be held snug,
And to give a kick
To that mean bug.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sew what?

You know what makes a great gift even more special? Personalization! Look at how Mom tricked out my shirt. Is she talented or what? (Oh, and pay no attention to Auntie Ninja in the background; she's always over-reacting. You'd think she'd never picked me up before.)

To tell you the truth, I did question Mom's sewing skills at first. She made me this big sock and even I could tell it was way too huge for me.I mean, they may call me Baby Moose, but my feet are actually rather small.

Then they told me it was to hold my Christmas presents. Stockings? Presents? Christmas? I'm going to have to do some research on this. I'll keep you informed!