Monday, August 30, 2010

And the Memories Continue

This past weekend was so big I can hardly remember it all!  The recollections that I shared earlier were certainly part of the story, more Mom's family.  But then there was Dad's family.  It's almost as if I've got two hemispheres in my brain, remembering different things!

I've got cousins!  I'd heard tell of rambunctious boy cousins with skinny jeans and skateboards.  Frankly, I was a little worried that I might be on the receiving end of some jabs, burps and farts.  As it turns out, though, Andrew and Christopher were most gracious.  They treated me like a piece of fine china.  After having experienced Dad giving me a bath, believe me their care was appreciated!

I also got to meet a nice lady named Sandy.  She's my godmother.  She was standing with us when the pastor guy doused me with the water.  Afterwords she spent lots of time making sure I was okay.  Very sweet.  Plus she gave me presents!

I live in the same house with my Mim and my Poppi, which is great because they love me a bunch.  But the neat thing about this weekend was that I got to see my Grandma and Grandpa who live far away.  That means I spent the weekend with all four of my grandparents!  That's a lot of grandparents!

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