Monday, August 23, 2010


Goodness me, I do apologize.  It's  been days since I put fingers to keyboard.  I could come up with some snappy excuse (like a complete lack of hand-eye coordination, countless hours spent sleeping, restless bowels, milk binge), but I won't.  I just didn't write anything.  Full stop.

But today is a new day!  Even though it's almost over.  And it was a fine day indeed.  I met my uncle Chris for the first time and he briefly cured my hiccups.  Nice guy.  I went on a walk around Lake Como with my parents.  Dad kept making rude remarks about the awful stench.  I swear it was the lake and not me!  And now I'm home, everything is rosy and swell, and I'm feelin' a powerful urge to close my eyes.

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