Sunday, August 15, 2010

My comment policy

It was brought to my attention that the identity protocols for would-be commenters on this blog were sub-optimal, and may have kept well-meaning folks from sharing their insight.

I checked things out and, sure enough, the original set-up sucked. (I'm told that word means something is bad, but sucking seems like a pretty good thing from my perspective. Oh well.) Anyway, once I realized there was a problem, I had my people take care of it pretty darn tout de suite, let me tell you. Now, should you care to comment, there will be less foofaraw.

Carry on.


Kevin Ecker said...

You have people?

Baby Moose said...

Have I got people? Jeez, louise, I got people waiting on me hand and foot all over the place. They feed me, dress me, carry me around from place to place, even sing to me. It's to the point where I can't even wipe my own...well, never mind. said...

You look Grumpy enough to be a G.O.M.