Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To the Man Cave (part 2)

So Mom went out with "the girls" to see something they call a "chick flik", which left Daddy and Poppi and me to our own devices. Of course I said, "To the Man Cave!" where we could settle down to an afternoon of guilt-free football-watching.

It's exciting, and not a little stressful. You see, Daddy wants me to be a Packer-fan, and Poppi wants me to be a Viking-fan. The one thing we can all agree on, however, is that we hate the Bears.

(Oh, and "Go, Hawkeyes!")

Poppi and me, just chillin' and watching the game.


The Great-Greatest Generation

Mommy and Daddy trundled me off to Missouri for a week at Thanksgiving to hang out with great-grandma AND great-great-grandma. It was all fun and I didn't have to sit at the kid's table, for which I'm thankful.

We also had the opportunity for a five-generation photo featuring great-great-grandma West, great-grandma Stewart, Poppi, Mommy and me, Benjamin West Worley. I'm used to be being the center of attention in any photo, but I'm happy and honored to be just a small (but still imporant) part of this picture.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Beyonce-ing Baby Boy

Mostly I hang out with married ladies, but Mommy likes the song "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce, so when it played the other day I decided to bust a move, much to the dismay of Grandma Mim and the budgies.

If you turn your sound up high enough you can hear the music. Okay, everybody sing along: "All the single babies, all the single babies...all the single babies, all the single babies...if you like it then you should have put a bib on it! If you like it then you should have put a bib on it!"

Now, just a little work on my passo doble and tango and I'll be reading for Dancing With the Stars ... except that it goes on after my bed-time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

There's no need to fear....

So this morning Daddy props me up in the cushions on the corner of the couch where I can see all this fluffy new white stuff coming down. I'll need to look into that some more. Anyway, I also see Poppi sitting in the other corner in his big chair. As usual he's got his laptop and a cup of coffee.

Laptop? That's supposed to be my job, so I start waving my arms and leaning forward, trying to catch Poppi's attention. As I did so, however, I started to tip forward and the next thing I know I'm flopped over the edge of the couch with my head pointed toward the floor.

I couldn't exactly see what happened in the next half-second, but boy could I hear it! The computer went one direction the coffee cup another and all these strange creaking and popping noises (Oh! That's why we call him "Poppi"!) and then he's got me scooped up and laughing. I never would have guessed the old guy could move so fast!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A New Thing

I confess that I was noticeably grouchy the last time I wrote.  Will you forgive me?  

The following isn't so much a penitential act as it is joyful reportage (say that with a French accent for full impact.)

I have learned to giggle and laugh when tickled!  Mommy was poking me with her fingers the other day and, "tee hee" just kinda slipped out of my mouth.  And again!  It felt fun, kind of like spitting up, but less messy.