Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm still here!

Hello! Long time, no see! We've been a little preoccupied around here lately, because there's another baby living in our house! She was born on January 14th; Mom tells me that makes her 6 1/2 weeks old now. She's littler than me, and she can't talk or walk or do anything very interesting. She cries sometimes, so I say "Abby, Abby" in my sweet voice so she won't be sad. When she's awake she likes to stare at me, and I give her kisses. I could show you where her nose is, too.

Lots of things have been happening since Abby first came here. People have come to visit us almost every weekend, and that is so much fun! My cousin Sean came over with my Auntie Beth and Uncle Chris, and he's my size! We had a good time playing.

You know what I've been doing lately? Learning letters! Mom draws them on my magna-doodle and I tell her what they are. I know almost all of them, but sometimes I get a couple confused with other letters. I love to look at a book or magazine and tell Mom which ones I see. Right now the big letters are easier to recognize than the little ones, but I'm working on it.

I experience something new last week, but it wasn't fun at all. I got sick. Mom and Dad found out that I had the stomach flu. It hurt and it wasn't pretty, but Mom and Dad and I all slept in the living room that night, which I thought was cool. The next morning I felt way better, and I even had breakfast. Now I'm fine, so don't worry. You won't catch anything from me!

Well, I need to go take a nap now. You know what they say- sleep when the baby sleeps!

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