Look! On the ground.
It's a race car!
It's an intercontinental ballistic missile!
No, it's Benjamin!!!
I am a baby on the move.
I move so fast the camera can hardly catch me.
Yes, I am crawling.
There are certain advantages to crawling. I get to explore, exercise, touch new stuff, and impress the ladies. On the downside, I have, on occasion, touched the wrong stuff. At least, I presume it was the wrong stuff because Mom and Dad say, "No Benjamin. Don't touch that." And then they flick my fingers, which truth be told is a little unpleasant. But I've found that I can avoid this by NOT touching the item in question. It seems like a pretty simple set up. I plan to master it.
Oh yes they call him The Streak...
Or else he was moving so fast his clothes flew off.
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