Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Definition of a Birthday

Just recently, I experienced something quite different... I spent the whole weekend with just Dad! Mom wasn't there at all! Needless to say, lots of guy stuff went on- burping, scratching, wrestling, etc. (Just kidding, Mom!) Really, though, we made it through and had a good time; but boy were we excited to see her pull into the driveway yesterday!

Mom wasn't home too long before we all jumped back in the car. Where could we be going? When I found out, I wasn't too pleased. We were going to see the doctor. They weighed me and measured me and stuck me with needles!!! Awful people, why would they do that to me? Especially on my birthday?? Cuz yeah, it was my birthday yesterday! I knew that because people have been talking about it for weeks, and how exciting it was. I was looking forward to it, too, but this is not what I had in mind! After the doctor episode, Mom and Dad took me to the coffee shop where I got to have a monster cookie! That made me feel better.

That night, something really cool happened!! My new Auntie Julie (who we adopted) came over. I always like to see her, but this time, she brought me a huge chocolate cake and presents!! This must be what people meant by birthdays being exciting! I had some cake, and mom helped me open my presents- cool new clothes,  and a couple of toys! They should keep me busy for a while! Thank you, Auntie Julie and Uncle Wayne!

Now for something completely different... Mom and Dad like to talk about babies. That's all well and good, because I'm their baby, but they sound like they're talking about more than one! Then today, Mom points at her tummy and says "there's a baby in there, Benjamin." I checked, but all I saw was her bellybutton. She must be mistaken.


Night Writer said...

And happy blogivesary!

Baby Moose said...

Wow! My first blogiversary! Gosh, I already feel like I've been doing this my whole life!